Portal News

The last month saw the number of daily visitors to the website continue to increase to the highest numbers yet recorded. During March there was an average of 266 visitors every day of the month which is the highest monthly average to date.
The highest number of visitors in a single day during March was 391 which is the second-highest ever. This happened on 3rd March when we asked questions about the absence of any guidance from the BCGBA after the Government's Road Map to Normality had been published 10 days earlier.
That figure was still short of the all-time highest number in a single day which was 436 visitors who looked at the site on 5 February. That day we reported on the Daily Telegraph news that grassroot sports were to be prioritised in resuming action as the Government looked to get the country back to some semblance of normality.
The table below shows the daily average number of visitors to the website by month as well as the highest number of visitors in a single day in each month. The site first opened on 13 November 2020 and visitor numbers have increased each month since then. With no actual bowling to report on we look for those numbers to increase even more once the bowling season starts and we can talk about some actual bowling.
