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Who wants stuffing?

Bowling News

Bowling News

In my experience, one of the things that most infuriates those who organise/host Club and League competitions is when players and spectators bring their own food, drink and alcohol. Is this OK? From the consumer's stance, I have heard many reasons why 'bring your own' is considered to be acceptable. Some reasons appear to be justifiable, whilst some may not, I’ll let you decide. These include I’m on a diet often said whilst tucking into the biggest bowl of pasta you have ever seen, I’m vegetarian/vegan, I have an allergy, I like ground coffee, I only drink decaf/Earl Grey, I can't eat that bread, I’m not paying £2 for a sandwich and 70p for cake, I like brown bread, and many many more.

In truth, I can sympathize with those who bring their own occasionally and for those with special dietary needs, this is essential. We have all been at venues where the refreshments leave a lot to be desired. Sometimes there are only burgers or only meat options, or only white bread, or no sandwiches at all. Worst of all is when the food runs out at 2pm, you haven't eaten all day and will be there for at least another 4 hours.

Another major gripe is when clubs stop serving hot drinks in order to boost bar sales. Can't we be a bit more like our continental neighbours in relation to what drinks are on offer in club bars. Then there are the clubs where the King or the Queen of The Teapot resides. You know what follows, tea that resembles Dandelion and Burdock and tastes far worse. Sometimes they have an assistant too, the Milk Monitor, jug super-glued to hand or is it a pipette ensuring your tea just turns colour but it never does.

I can also empathize with those doing the catering. Having been involved with providing refreshments the following are examples of what sometimes occurs. "Is it plastic chicken in those sandwiches?" "No it's free-range and I've cooked it myself this morning." "Oh right, have you any stuffing?" "No sorry." "OK but will you bring some next week?" You provide 4 types of sandwich only for someone to ask for another filling. "Only mayonnaise? I prefer salad cream. Is that real butter? What no hot food! Are the sandwiches reduced yet?" Free biscuits also provide an irresistible challenge to some. Just how many biscuits can be picked up in one outstretched hand? Perhaps we should start a competition.

Then there are those who take bringing their own to a whole new level. Those who bring their own undercover alcohol into a club bar and just buy mixers! I cannot find any justification for this, can you? I guess there will always be freeloaders who don’t understand or care about the well-being of Bowling Clubs. Fortunately, these types of people are few and far between in the bowling community.

OK then the quality of catering is a bit hit and miss but I can assure you that catering in Yorkshire far surpasses anything in Lancashire and Cheshire. As a general rule consider catering in these counties to be abysmal at best and at worst non-existent.

Bowling Clubs obviously need revenue from members and guests to be able to function and catering forms a greater or lesser part of this. When we enter a club's grounds we are in effect using their facilities. When we enter the tea hut/bar we are using their buildings, utility services and workforce some of which are paid and some are not. All these things incur costs to which we should be willing contributors. With this in mind please accept those 50p's offered but not always accepted from people like me for the cups of hot water for special brews. Yes you’ve probably guessed it, I am one of those picky eaters.

Perhaps others who must bring their own food/drink for example those with allergies could also offer a goodwill donation and for those who don’t have a good reason they might like to give some thought to the effect of their actions. This is particularly important now and in the coming season when club finances have been severely depleted. We need to give our full support otherwise clubs may not survive for us to enjoy next year and further into the future.

So to all our caterers we say thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. To all those who give up their time to do the planning, shopping, preparing, cooking, baking, making up, serving all day, washing up, and have leftovers on rainy days, you all do a marvellous job. One last thought as its nearly Christmas please don’t forget the stuffing next week.

Hazel Rangeley

December 2020

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15 déc. 2020

Brilliantly funny. Stuffing is what I usually get when I'm drawn to play Paul.

I always appreciate what's on offer at bowling clubs and have never felt ripped off. I do deplore the 'bring your own' crowd, it must take some planning and preparation to save what?

It's good to see you're embracing this new facility.



14 déc. 2020

There is nowt so queer as people. We’ve all seen those who don’t willingly pay for admission to a final, those who won’t spend money on food or drink or even buy a raffle ticket.

In my experience at bowling clubs, admission prices and the cost of food and drink is very reasonable. Ok the choice of food may not be extensive but the people preparing and serving it are almost certainly providing their services free and we should recognise that this is an opportunity with a lot of voluntary hard work for a club to make a ‘ Bob or two’.

The people who wind me up are those who bring their own drinks and just buy a mixer.


Karen Rausse
Karen Rausse
14 déc. 2020

Yes Hazel let's please support our bowling venues , hopefully next year



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