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Bowling News

Yorkshire CCGBA 2021 Subscriptions

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Bowling News

Received from Yorkshire CCGBA for sharing with all Leagues and clubs

Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBA

Date 11.11.20

Audience : Districts:

Subscriptions 2021

The suggestions for subscriptions for 2020 and 2021 are:

Any club that has yet to pay for 2020 will be given an amnesty to 31.12.20 thereafter fines as previously indicated will prevail, each district will be provided with a list of clubs who have failed to pay their dues.

This includes the fees to BCGBA.

If any of these clubs wish to be members for 2021 then their 2020 fees are still due to YCCGBA and BCGBA before acceptance

Fees for 2021 2020

B.C.G.B.A. Levy £35.00 £35.00

Annual Subscriptions. £35.00 * £41.00

4 Y.C.C.G.B.A. handbook. £NIL £14.00

1. B.C.G.B.A. handbook. £NIL £2.50

Total £70.00 £92.50.

*This assumes if paid by electronic means/bacs by 31/03/21 otherwise full fee of £ 41 is due

Cheques will be accepted but must be received by 31/03/31 (not posted on that date) Late or incorrect payments will be returned and a higher level may be charged.

Yorkshire/ H.Taylor per team. £12.00.

E. Hutchinson/ D.Radley per team. £12.00.

Association/ League. £20.00. reduced from £25

County Districts. Not applicable.

To Clubs or Leagues. £30.00.

External Clubs Situated outside The County. £10.00.

Entries for 2020 Team competitions are to be credited for 2021.

You will note there will be no handbooks produced for 2021 but we will be issuing addendums for the 2020 handbooks

Should YCCGBA expenses for 2021 be less than we envisage we will look to make reductions in 2022, there is no intent for YCCGBA to make profit but we must ensure our finances are robust going forward so we may withstand pressures such as are taking place in 2020.

Please indicated your districts support/objection for this so we may put this forward for inclusion at any AGM your response is required in writing (email acceptable by 28th November 2020.

Honoraria and Expenses

The executive proposes that the honorarium/expenses for 2020 is as follows

The total Honorarium and expenses for 2020 will be £ 2400 this is reduced from £7935 as agreed at 2020 AGM saving YCCGBA £5535 (These figures exclude the auditor)

1: The Competition secretary undertook a lot of preparation for the season that didn’t happen and has also undertaken much of the Treasurers tasks whilst he was unavoidably committed at his new employment.

2: The Treasurer indicated he didn’t want any payment for this year but he will be producing accounts which will take 2/3 days to prepare, so the executive wished to put in a token amount, he would prefer any payment to be in expenses rather than Honorarium and this cost will cover travel, postage and stationery.

This was discussed by the executive last week.

AGM and Meetings

No decision has been taken as yet with regard to the AGM, the date Scheduled for this is the 13th February 2021 we would request you keep this date in mind until advised otherwise.

We will aim, if allowed, to hold a council meeting prior to AGM, we would prefer zoom/teams meeting but this may not suit everyone, we will report on this at the end of November/early December.

Sad News

You may have heard at the passing of stalwart and great supporter of YCCGBA, Vera Silcock. With her husband Tony, together, they are great benefactors and supporters of crown green bowling in Yorkshire, regular attendees at many events not only at county but at district level, Vera you will be sadly missed, Tony thoughts are with you and the family at this time.

Districts and Clubs contacts- Communication- ‘GoMembership’

Over the next few days we will be sending out a request for district contact details to enable us to bring everything up to date for ‘GoMembership’ and our website, following this clubs will be required to confirm their contact details, the intention going forward is that all communication will be electronic, it is therefore imperative that each club has someone who is able to receive information in this way.

Training will be taking place over the winter months on Go membership and this will be conducted on a district by district basis.

S N Cochrane

D Alan Stephenson

Joint interim CEO YCCGBA

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14 nov. 2020

If the Honorariums have been reduced by £5535, why is the proposed reduction in fees so small.

I notice they want fees paid by the end of March, the way things are going there may be no bowling again next year, so more money potentially wasted with no income to bowling clubs.


13 nov. 2020

The financial proposals make interesting reading. Perhaps some Clubs might have hoped that their fees would be carried forward to next year in view of no bowling taking place and no competitions to organise etc.

However the proposal is to reduce total fees from £92.50 to £70.00 with no reduction in the BCGBA fees. This is not particularly generous given that most of the reduction is due to not having a year book for 2021 and a reduction due to paying by BACS.

However to make a realistic assessment of the fees requested for next year it would be interesting to know the balances of the YCGBA. Without this information it is difficult to know whether the amount requested i…

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