Bowling News
Two Yorkshire Ladies' positions are now being widely advertised. They have been advertised within the Yorkshire Ladies community since the AGM in February when the previous incumbent stood down with no interest shown since then. The roles have only now been divided into two separate roles in the hope that these reduced roles will attract some interest, they are
Ladies County Secretay
Ladies Competition Secretary
The roles will suit someone who is looking to get involved in bowling administration within a high-profile position. In addition, they will become a member of the senior ladies' body in Yorkshire and contribute to future developments at that level. I understand that the honoraria payment is £400 p.a. with expenses on top of that. An introduction to the duties and responsibilities of both roles is contained within the adverts below.
There is no closing date for either role at present and further details are available from Andrea Buckley or Steve Cochrane and their contact details are also below.