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Two new host greens wanted for 2025-26 season

Winter League

A new year and time to look forward at what is ahead for the Winter League.

In the short term we have a backlog of fixtures that needs recovering and most of those have new dates already allocated and the others soon will have. It will mean two matches a week for a couple of weeks for a lot of teams although some Divisions season end dates have been extended to accommodate the delayed matches. Our Bowlsnet pages are the League's Bible of fixtures and should be your first port of call when seeing exactly where your team is playing and when.

The Pairs Knock-Out qualifying rounds continue every Friday at Thorpe Green with Division 6 bowlers on the green this coming Friday (17 January) followed by Division 5 the following Friday (24th January) and finally Divisions 2 and 8 bowlers complete the opening rounds on Friday 31st January when both Divisions play alongside each other at the same time.

Then we still have The Winter Cup to kick-start and that all begins with the Springwood Qualifying Round on Wednesday 29 January. See when your Division's Qualifying Round is happening by visiting our Bowlsnet pages.

Entries for all rounds of the Winter Cup are still open and your online Entry Form is at the foot of this posting.

Looking further ahead to the end of season when we expect to be holding our Presentation Event(s) and this will be discussed at the Management Committee meeting which is now rescheduled for Monday 20 January so more news shortly after that date.

Then looking even further ahead to the 2025-26 season when expansion plans are already starting to take shape. We have already received applications from two teams to join the League next season and more are anticipated before the 1 July closing date. Contact us now if you are interested in joining the League next season. That all leads us to believe that we are looking for two new host greens for next season.

Those of you that have tasted the Winter League experience will know what is involved. Those who haven't are welcome to visit any of our host greens on matchdays and see what all the fuss is about. As well as being a great day out for bowlers and supporters it has become an important earner for many clubs. Experience shows that clubs can expect to make between £2.500 to £3,500 profit from a 14-week season. That has already proven to be a life-saver for at least two of our current host greens and it could make a big difference to your club. We hope so.

Any club interested in learning more about what is involved or to express an interest in becoming a host green from October 2026 should get in touch now and we are happy to meet to talk through the potential in detail with you. A step before any meeting is by looking through our 'Ultimate Guide to Winter Bowling' which outlines the format of the model we use and what is expected from a host club. We look forward to discussing the potential further with you in due course and learning how you can secure the financial future of your club.


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