Bowling News
BCGBA Website
21st March 2021
We are still waiting for detailed information on what is permissible when crown green bowls returns on the March 29th. This information is not expected to be received until late next week. As soon as we receive this guidance we will circulate it to all county associations
Problem is of course if they circulate it to Yorkshire CCGBA that is the last we will hear of it.
Thorpe Green has told members that they intend to reopen the green for social bowling from Monday 29 March. The message has been posted on their Facebook page advising members of the return to bowling. That message reads ....
Assuming that there is no change in the government guidelines, the weather is favourable and there is no contrary guidance from the BCGBA or YCCGBA then the green will be reopening one week from today on Monday March 29th.
However, the relevant government guidelines do say:
“People will be allowed to meet outside, either with one other household or within the "rule of six", including in private gardens.”
This means that there will have to be a booking system as we had previously. It also means that there can be a maximum of six people allowed on the green at any one time. People from different households will still need to socially distance from one another. Alternatively, two households of any size could meet on the green but members of the different household will still need to socially distance. In the specific case of two households there could be more than six people on the green at any one time.
Please note that the green will be open to club members only due to track and trace requirements.
Please note that toilet facilities will not be open.
Please book in the usual way from now via this new WhatsApp group green booking site.
Please note that this system applies to practice only and events such as the competition on April 11th and the match on April 20th are covered by different guidelines.
There is an element of Thorpe Green testing the water here but in the absence of any contradictory instruction, this is their current intent. They are sure that someone in authority will soon advise them if they are jumping the gun. If you want to advertise the reopening of your green to members then these pages are available for you to do so. Contact Us