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The survey season continues

Bowling News

Bowling News

Another survey for you but this one is providing the results of over 11,000 responses to an online questionnaire earlier this year conducted by the Lawn Bowls ruling body Bowls England. This 13-page report of colourful graphs and charts draws some conclusions about the readiness of bowlers to return to the greens of England.

Conducted by Bowls England, the governing body of Lawn Bowls but nevertheless very relevant to our own situation. The results are not dissimilar to the outcomes from our own 131 person survey reported last week on these pages but more detail is provided.

The biggest factor for me was the conclusion that around 40% of bowlers are not ready to return to the sport yet although almost 90% indicated that they intended returning when they felt it was safe to do so. The survey is primarily aimed at Lawn Bowls and it also tells us that the sport has lost 10% of all the bowlers who responded to the survey. It would be a surprise if Crown Green was any different.

With our own survey last week, the one above and the one mentioned on these pages last week really indicate it being the 'survey season.' If you can stomach any more we will be running our own 5-Question survey again after 22 February to see if Boris's Road Map has changed the views of any of our bowlers about returning to bowling. Bear with us.

A copy of the full Bowls England survey report is available below for you to download.

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Feb 15, 2021

A very detailed survey with no surprise that 90% intend to return to bowling. I’d expect a similar response from crown green bowlers in local Leagues in Huddersfield.

i am a little surprised that 40% are not yet ready to return to bowling . Thought it would be higher based on the local first survey on this website.

Perhaps the time of the survey could be part of the reason plus the survey covered a larger percentage of younger bowlers who maybe less concerned than us “oldie goodies” about the threats of Covid etc.

Philip of Lindley



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