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The Hindsight Poll

Bowling News

We haven't had a poll for a week now so we have decided to put one together which will take advantage of the wonderful gift of Hindsight. We are all much wiser after any event so why not extend that to bowling matters. It has been a season without precedent and one that we can all learn from as we review the personal decisions that individuals made and also those made by your clubs and the leagues that you play in.

This 18-Question Poll is totally anonymous and open to everyone and looks back at some of the 'start of season decisions' that bowlers, clubs and Leagues made, to see, with hindsight, if they were good decisions or not. Plenty of opportunities to add your own comments to the poll as well which runs from today closing at 5pm on Friday.

It has been a one-off season with delayed starts, the disruption of lockdown rules and general concerns of bowlers about their own, and their families, well-being and how a bowler going bowling could affect everything at home. The Government and the BCGBA were keen to encourage leagues to provide as many playing opportunities as possible to get bowlers back on the green and encourage people to return to some order of normality as quickly as it was safe to do so. Did your league support that objective? Did you feel safe bowling this year? Would you do anything differently with hindsight?

Let's applaud the good decisions and learn from those bad decisions so that we can all improve from hindsight. Hopefully, we will never be in a similar situation ever again but you may care to think about what you would have done differently with that wonderful gift of hindsight.

The poll is divided into three categories reviewing the actions and decisions of Individuals, Clubs and Leagues. Take your time and answer each question honestly. We will be sharing the results in due course. Thank you for contributing to the poll.

If the form below does not work for you for any reason then please use this link to the same form.

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