Bowling News
The news that the government is expected to announce a delay of 2 or 4 weeks in the moving to the final step on the Road Map to Normality but this is unlikely to have a major impact on crown green bowling. When Boris stands up tomorrow to provide details of the widely forecast delay in moving to Step 4, which is the full return to normality on the Road Map, only then will we understand what differences it is going to mean to the manner in which we have already adapted our competitions to fit the circumstances.
The Prime Minister is expected to make an announcement tomorrow which will outline the case for extending the Step 3 rules for a further 2 or 4 weeks and into July. However, it is difficult to see any major changes being required to enable us to carry on bowling beyond what has already been implemented to make our sport as safe as possible. Social distancing and the wearing of masks will continue as will the closure of many entertainment centres such as nightclubs as well as table service in pubs and clubs is likely to continue but that is nothing that we cannot live with.
We can expect the rules around enforcing Track & Trace responsibilities to be tightened as this is an area that has been previously identified as being frequently ignored in bowling clubs and greens. Beyond that we await Boris telling us tomorrow what new rules and responsibilities will be placed upon us. Meanwhile carry on bowling!