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Recruiting teams for 2021 season now

Ladies Works League

A Call for more Teams

Does your green have a night free for a Ladies Works League Match?

If so why not enter a team?

We are all ready for some buzz around our greens, and you know that it makes sense from a personal, physical, and psycho-social perspective, and for the prosperity of your club. Let's maximize the use of our marvellous facilities.

What are we aiming for

An increase in the number of teams in our League to 18 over the next 2 years. We have 15 teams at the moment.

What our League can offer you

Competitive evening bowling. The League plays on home and away green venues. The designated night is Monday but you can play on any night to suit your club if Monday is not available. Matches that clash with the Huddersfield Ladies League can be rearranged within a 3 week period. We try to keep clashes to a minimum so don’t let this put you off.

The season usually runs from after Easter to late August. You do not need to be working to form a team and you do not need sponsorship from any business/company. Teams are asked simply to adopt a local business name (with their permission of course).

Membership of an enthusiastic forward-thinking club-focused League. We aim to promote all that is best about bowling and we will ensure that all our members are kept up to date with League issues and current events impacting on bowling in general. Keeping up to date during this unparalleled Covid pandemic period is crucial and we can assure you that we have your safety at the forefront of all that we do.

The opportunity to play in singles and pairs competitions and others as we develop these further.

2 League divisions with promotion and relegation at the end of the season so encouraging competitiveness.

The standard of bowling within our League is very variable and we can guarantee that whatever your standard there will a place and enjoyment for you.

What to do next if you are interested

We can answer any questions and would be happy to provide further information as required.

There is time to enter a team for 2021, the closing date for teams being 1st March 2021.

Why not give it a try?

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