The answer to
Name the Green No.10 is Milnsbridge BC.
The figure is featured in a corner of the green alongside a short wooden seat which was added in the 1990s in memory of Alan Smith who was the club secretary for some time. The figure with barrow and woods was added a couple of years ago when a repair job on the seat was undertaken at the same time. Alan Smith's widow is still an active member of the club.
The picture below shows the corner ringed where the figure and seat are located.
Wrong guesses included Bradley & Colne, Cowcliffe, Lowerhouses, Moldgreen Con and Linthwaite Hall. If you have an obscure photo of any local green that you think may offer a fair challenge to our readers then please email me a copy to
Apart from the five Milnsbridge club members who unsurprisingly submitted correct answers and will not be getting a namecheck here, I received correct entries from seven and they were from Paul Rangeley, Lynn Carter, Barry Tinker, Barry Gibson, John Hodgson, Gary Ashwell and Adrian Fish.
Well done to all of them and time to move on to the next challenge with Name the Green No.11 below. Email your best guess to Please don't leave the answer anywhere else as that can spoil the fun for later visitors.
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