League News
Lindley Liberal has withdrawn from the Julie Fuller Trophy and their result against Slaithwaite has been declared void and deleted from the competition records. Their next opponents were Netherton Con and they were also scheduled to meet Primrose Hill Lib and Skel Windmill 'B'. All four teams will now be credited with an average aggregate score from their other three matches in the competition. That is especially harsh on Slaithwaite who beat Lindley Lib in the first round of fixtures by 81-16 to sit at the top of the Round 1 table and now sit at the bottom with a score of zero and will have to rely on their upcoming results to make any further progress. It is noted that Lindley Lib has 29 registered bowlers for their one 6-man team.
The next round of fixtures in this competition is scheduled for next Monday (28th). The revised Julie Fuller League Table will now be determined by the average number of points for each team regardless of how many games they have played. On that basis, the unofficial table now looks like this.
