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Late entry for Winter League and 2 vacancies

Winter League

Primrose Hill Lib have submitted a late application to add a B team to the Winter League which has been welcomed and in fact the League has two vacant slots it would also like to fill. Two more teams would take the League to 64 teams which fits ideally into the 8 Divisions of 8 Teams which is the model they have been striving for. That would mean a total of 10 new teams but that opening may not be available for very long.

So any team that is interested in joining the League for an October start is invited to make that known now. Contact the League Secretary Jeff Jacklin now on 07968 171 197 or by email at The vacancies are for teams to bowl weekly on a Tuesday or a Thursday. First come first served.

Meanwhile the Management Committee continue to wrestle with the dilemma of fitting teams into a new structure whilst accommodating the days of the week availability of some teams. That format will have to be completed for the Annual General Meeting which now has a new date of Friday 2 August starting at 9.30am at Netherton Cons.

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