League News
Traditionally most of the leagues that play in a mid-week afternoon would provide some hospitality for their visiting opponents, usually tea and biscuits. All very welcome and a part of the bowling hospitality package. However, COVID has impacted on that as well with many teams withdrawing that gesture following their own Risk Assessments had judged this tradition to be a risk too far.
Some of us particularly liked the competition that sometimes developed of teams competing to provide the most innovative and impressive selection of eatables with bread 'n drip, black pudding and cream buns always well received.
What a shame that this tradition is now endangered because of the fears of cross-infection. Let's hope that as we move through Steps 3 and 4 of the Road Map to Normality that these practices are reinstated along with the shaking of hands before and after a match.
Whatever next? The withdrawal of buying the loser a pint?