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Bowling News

Do you have disabled access to your green?

Grant Funding

A friend of mine has a mobility problem which has kept him off the green for quite some while. However he has now made some progress to the extent that he would like to start bowling again, probably just social bowling but that would be an important step for him.

He tells me that the club that he is a member of has an excellent green but access requires quite a step down which is currently beyond him. He asks if I could recommend an alternative club that offers better access to the green probably by steps with a handrail.

I am sure that there are clubs that provide such facilities but wouldn't it be better if his home club could provide such help in enabling members with walking problems an easy route to the green? I thought that there must be a cost associated with providing a new step and handrail approach. Maybe even going the extra mile to provide wheelchair access as well.

Then I thought that there is probably a good case for a grant to fund such a facility. I found two which I think may suit. Both are still open to bids and both specialise in helping disabled people to play sports. Maybe other clubs would also benefit from taking a look at introducing such an aid for their ageing members.

1. Funding to Support Leisure Activities for People with Physical Disabilities (UK)

18th February 2021

The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust was started by a gentleman who was wheelchair-bound but his aim was to encourage and assist the disabled to participate in and enjoy leisure pursuits. There are probably a number of local clubs that could benefit from introducing such a facility. The details and links are provided in the paragraph below with an easy online form to submit any application.

Charities or not for profit organisations wishing to provide or organise leisure activities for people with physical disabilities can apply for a grant to help them to deliver their project, service or activity. The majority of grants awarded are for £5,000 and under. The funding is being provided through the Bruce Wake Charitable Trust. Applications can be submitted at any time and applications are considered quarterly by the Trustees.

2. Funding to Tackle Inequalities in Sport and Physical Activity in Under-Represented Groups 18th June 2020

Sport England's Tackling Inequalities Fund to distribute to community groups to help reduce the negative impact of Covid-19 and tackle the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity in under-represented groups. The main focus of the Fund is to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on activity levels in under-represented groups, such as Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Communities, disabled people.

It would be good to hear from any club that has provided improved access to cater for members with mobility problems or requiring wheelchair access. Photographs of what is available would also be of interest to other clubs as well. Contact Us

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