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BCGBA Registration Form

Bowling News

Bowling News

It is the time of year when clubs register new bowlers to make them available for their teams for the coming season. Every bowler who bowls in any of the local leagues needs a BCGBA number before they will be allowed to register with a team.

The Veterans League are becoming more stringent on this after going into print to say that bowlers will not be allowed to play in the League until clubs have forwarded the bowler's BCGBA number and Date of Birth. You need to allow some time for the registration to be completed so you may already be too late to register a new bowler to play this week. I recall the time that the League allowed 10 days grace for the BCGBA number to be provided after a new bowler had played their first match for a club. That seemed a sensible approach to me bearing in mind that the registering of bowlers is not entirely in the hands of the club.

The process is fairly straightforward but is changing. You need to submit a completed form to Yorkshire CCGBA who will then register the bowler. A copy of the new basic form is below ready for you to print off. Once completed it can either be posted to the Knaresborough address on the form or emailed again to the email address on the form.

New bowler registrations now cost £14.50 each after Yorkshire added £2.50 per form to the charge this year. Any bowler looking to replace a lost membership form can do so at a cost of £4. Just use the same form but add the BCGBA number if known in the appropriate box on the form. Full details of who cheques should be made out to or the alternate BACS details are again all included on the form.

Bowlers only need to be BCGBA registered if they are going to bowl in league matches or open competitions. Social bowlers do not need to be registered.

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