Bowling News
In early May the BCGBA launched a survey open to all bowlers to feed their views on a range of topics. This was included on HuddWeb on 7 May and you can view that posting again here.
That has subsequently been followed up this week with a reminder from Steve Clamp of the BCGBA and that is reproduced here.
From Steve Clamp of the BCGBA
We've had a fantastic response to the first BCGBA survey that was released last week.....over 1,000 responses in the first 36 hours. The survey is live until 31st May to enable us to collect as many views as possible. Also, every County Association and affiliated Club have been sent a PDF version, allowing people that aren't on social media to give their views.
As a few people have commented, we fully appreciate that this initial survey is limited in it's ability to give detailed comments and future, topic related surveys, we will be asking for more specifics around subject matters to enable us to steer the Association in the direction that you, our members, want.
Once again, thank you to everyone that has responded so far, and please share the survey amongst all bowlers. We appreciate that we need to move forward, and your responses are the first step in enabling us to do this.
You can only access the online version if you have a Google email address so that is unhelpful for many and will inevitably limit the number of responses.
Here is the paper version for you to complete and return to the BCGBA.
The two-page PDF format document cannot be completed online. You need to print it off, write in your answers and then photograph or scan the completed response to email to the BCGBA. So good luck with that. Return the completed Survey to
I've produced a visible copy of the 2-page survey form below to give you an indication of the questions the BCGBA are asking to help you make your mind up if these are questions that you have an opinion on.