Winter League
The Winter League's Management Committee is scheduled to meet next Thursday (24 February) to discuss a number of matters including rule changes to be put before the All Teams End of Season Meeting to be held at Milnsbridge BC at 1.30pm on Wednesday 23 March 2022. All our current teams should be represented at the 23 March meeting along with any team that has applied to join the League for the 2022-23 season or is interested in joining,
There are three main pieces of business to be conducted at the End of Season meeting.
Presentation of trophies to team and individual winners of the 2021-22 League season.
The draw for the three Qualifying Rounds of The Winter Cup.
Vote on any proposed rule changes.
There will also be a review of the 2021-22 season with views and discussions about what has worked well and what needs changing for next season. We are still a very young league and we are learning all the time about how teams want the League to function and equally important we are listening to bowlers and are prepared to change.
We will look forward to the 2022-23 season with some early indication of new team applications and likely format of the divisions although the deadline is open until Monday 4 July for any team to apply to join.
Only current League teams are permitted to vote on rule changes at this meeting or put forward proposed changes but anyone is allowed to speak on these proposals. Any team wishing to propose a change in the League Rules needs to be aware of our Rule 12 which covers this process and is below.
Rule 12 says: Suggested rule changes from clubs must be proposed and seconded in writing from two clubs and must be received by the Secretary 28 days prior to the March meeting. Rule changes may also be recommended by the Management Committee. All proposals will be circulated to all clubs at least 21 days in advance of the meeting date. ​
The deadline for a change to any League rule to be considered by the End of Season Meeting is therefore Wednesday 23 February 2022. Any such proposals need to be lodged with the League Secretary before that date to be voted on at the meeting of all clubs in March. Papers for the end of Season meeting will be emailed to all clubs by Friday 25 February.