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139 Years old trophy history


Yesterday we told the story of a very splendid trophy that had been first donated to the HC&AC bowling club in 1884, that is 139 years ago. Then after being competed for annual over 4 years it then seemed to disappear for around 77 years when it reappeared with names being added to the trophy annually for the period 1966 to 1984. Then it disappears off the radar again until around 2010 when it was presented to the Veterans League to use as they saw fit.

That story provoked Graham Parr and Dave Parkin to help fill in some of the gaps and I am very grateful to them both for their contribution. The press cuttings below share and fill some of the history gaps. The reports are in chronological order and provide a fascinating insight to bowling from 1884 which saw the trophy end up in Grimsby before returning to the HC&AC club in Huddersfield.

There are still some big gaps where the trophy doesn't appear to have seen the light of day and if anyone has some more information about those gap years then we would be delighted to hear all about them.

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