Winter League
During Christmas week we conducted an online survey regarding bowler's views on the new Winter League identifying what had worked and what needed changing. Twenty-six responses were received - thank you. Twenty-two of those were from bowlers who had played in the League this season and four from bowlers interested in joining for next season.
None of the 14 questions were compulsory so we have a varying number of responses to each question. Both greens were marked highly by those that had played on them during the season. Average marks out of 5 for Milnsbridge was 4.4 and for Springwood 4.9. Both excellent marking and well deserved after a lot of effort from both clubs.
Today we focus on the responses to the main questions and tomorrow we will share the individual comments made about bowler reflections on what can be changed and what mustn't be changed at all.
With 84% of the voting indicating that bowlers found the standard of bowling to be above average, Click on any image to enlarge
Twenty-two of the 24 votes cast felt that the League was 'Very Friendly' or 'Friendly' which is very heartening as this is an area we really wanted to do well in.
The playing format of match days caused some problems especially at Milnsbridge where teams struggled to always follow the playing sequence. This resulted in some delays and on more than one occasion five jacks in play where the aim was to have no more than four on at any one time. The 'pink footer mat' helped some but there is definitely room for improvement. Despite that the majority of votes were cast in favour of retaining the current system with the option to change to staggered start time attracting less than 33% of the votes. Any change is likely to be dictated by the number of teams in a division.
There are so many different match scoring systems available that we were keen to keep it simple in year one and see how teams react. The vote is inconclusive and this looks like a question that will be asked again of bowlers before the start of the next season.
How to identify the top bowler averages in our league is probably one area we got wrong in 2020. That is confirmed by the preference as shown in the voting on the question on which method we should be employing as shown in the results graph below.
Overall a very good response - a friendly and well organised league with a better than expected standard of play with no clamour to change the match day format or points system.The only wish is to consider changing the method to decide the top bowlers.
So the League and its officials can be pleased with this first season and the League it has shaped.
Philip of Lindley
Thanks Jeff , enjoyed reading the results,
It’s good to look to the future after an awful 2020. So apart from hoping the Winter League consolidates itself as a new and forward thinking organisation and makes plans for improvements next year what other things are we looking forward to in 2020.
Can I share mine ? A return to bowling in the Vets League in April.This may be a bit optimistic so I’ll be happy playing a second half season and hope the League can squeeze in as many of its competitions as possible.
What else personally?
A return to going to coffee shops, restaurants and seeing family and friends and my usual finish to a bowling season of a holiday in Cyprus at my favourite hotel. Immaculatel…