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Winter League AGM

Winter League

The Winter League held its Annual General Meeting yesterday afternoon at Milnsbridge BC with a full turnout of team representatives. The agenda business was all concluded in 30 minutes but members then spent a further 15 minutes discussing the options for the 2nd holding of the Winter Cup. The overwhelming preference being for the division preliminary rounds and then Finals Day being played at the end of the 2022-23 league programme.

There are 13 new teams to accommodate, bringing the total to 40 teams for the 2022-23 season. There will be five divisions of eight teams in each. This resulted in the proposed make-up of the 5 divisions being as below which was accepted by the meeting. The growth to 5 divisions means that two new host greens are required and these were confirmed as being Lindley Liberal and Netherton Cons.

The weekly fixtures will now be spread over 3 days each week as shown below along with the proposed start dates for each of those 5 divisions although these are subject to change depending on the greenkeeper's work schedule being delivered on time as the elements allow.

The League's three officials were all re-elected unopposed by the meeting although Mike Ralph indicated that this would be his final year as Chairman as he will pass a milestone birthday following which he has promised himself to wind down some of his commitments although he still hopes to serve on the League's Management Committee thereafter.

The Treasurer, Bob Haigh, reported on an adequate cash fund to allow League Fees to remain at £15 per team for the coming season. This will bring in a total of £600 which is sufficient to cover all anticipated outgoings. The League maintains its stance of keeping both income and expenditure to a minimum and not seek to build cash reserves.

With the introduction of two more divisions there is a need to acquire four new perpetual trophies. One for each of the teams winning each of the two divisions and one for the top bowler in each of the two new divisions. This will bring the two new divisions in line with the three established divisions. An appeal was launched for sponsorship to support the funding of these new trophies.

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