Portal News
Another Christmas Eve and a break from bowling over the next 10 days or so brings some respite for the bowlers and this correspondent, or maybe not? There is no reason to stop reporting on and talking about the wonderful sport of ours which exceeds the normal turn up and play then go home outcome that many sports provide. Winter bowling has taught me a lot about the people I meet every week during the summer and especially every weekday throughout the winter months.
For instance I am sometimes amazed at the resilience of bowlers to turn up in all weathers, to laugh and joke and just swap stories with other bowlers when the elements are pushing the limits as to what us pensioners are prepared to endure. It is true the milder winters are contributing to that and we get some truly amazing weather backdrops to enjoy alongside the actual bowling but it still isn't anywhere near the bowling vision of shirtsleeve weather that summer bowling can, sometimes, provide. It is always going to be colder than the summer version. The greens are always going to be that little bit heavier as greenkeepers will stop the cut at 8mm rather than the 5mm that they aim for in the summertime.
Christmas is always a time for reflection, the New Year is always a time to look forward. So over the next week I will be looking back at some of the bowling memories from stories published on HuddWeb over the past 12 months. Then I aim to include a series of tables that show who are the top winter bowlers this season so far. Which bowlers lead the way to claim the end-of-season Winter League accolades and trophies that go with success in each of our eight divisions.
Christmas week is also the time period I traditionally try and test the knowledge of readers in identifying some local greens. This year is no different as I have discovered some new abandoned rollers that I have captured on film and will challenge you to name the green where they are seeing out their retirements. Adding to these with some variations of the naming game with my 3-a-day challenge to you.
New Year is a time to look forward and I will try and paint a picture of what bowling might look like in the future. A personal view of how developments in our sport might change in days to come. What lies ahead for us bowlers is a mystery but there are some signs of what might happen and some hopes and fears as well.
So with all that effort producing more published lineage I hope that many of you want to visit the site every day over the holiday period to get your daily fix of bowling news and opinion. You can book your daily notification of every article published on site so that you miss nothing that you think may be of interest to you. Just drop me your name and email address and I will add you to the notification list that goes out every day to over 350 interested individuals. You don't have to be a bowler or even live in Huddersfield as we welcome everyone with an interest in bowling wherever you are. It all makes the effort of writing the posts, news, opinions, memories, hopes and ramblings worthwhile.
Finally can I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for your support in visiting the site over the past year in such big numbers and I hope to give you good reason to continue to do so again through 2025.
