Veterans League
We have more than 700 photographs from our records of the history of the Veterans League covering all the team and individual competitions. Of those 222 are from 2019 and we start to drip feed you from the archives with the complete 2019 collection today. They cover the Rose Bowl, Over-70s, Over-80s, Lower Division Trophy, Pairs KO as well as the team competitions for the Team KO, Sub-Team KO, Bistro, Julie Fuller Trophy and presentations made at the Half-Year Meeting in October 2019.
You can access these pages at any time through the new 'Veterans League' link in the top menu. We will be adding to this photographic collection on the Portal over the coming weeks along with other records from the history of the League. Photographs 2019
The news about Leeds bowling greens can be viewed here
Some possible bad news for Leeds bowlers with today’s Council announcement that it is looking to close half the bowling greens, around 30, to save £80,000 as part of its budget proposals for next year.
This is just a proposal at this stage but if it gains momentum I’d like to think that before making any closures it offers clubs the opportunity to look after the greens themselves. This happened many years ago in Calderdale.
Philip of Lindley