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'Try Bowling' at Greenhead Park

Bowling News

Everyone involved in Sunday’s Try Bowling session at Greenhead Park seemed to agree it had been a worthwhile exercise.

Whilst the numbers didn’t reach the grossly over-optimistic 100 figure, they certainly passed the alternative figure of 40 as there was a steady succession of people on the green from before 12 until 4.30 ish. I don’t think the weather helped and dampened expectations, as did the ladies' football match being screened at 5 pm.

I know the printing worked to bring some people in and quite a few quoted Facebook so I must assume that’s what Friends of Greenhead Park (FoGP) did. I wasn’t around to see if the Examiner had published anything as they promised nor did I hear from Paul Ogden about doing something on West Yorkshire Sport radio – he did say he was very busy with the start of the local footy season and the Euros.

The coaches were kept busy and they all seemed positive. Everyone seemed to agree that Greenhead Park was the correct choice. The FoGP were very helpful and the arrangements in the pavilion worked well. I can’t say the same for the bowling green even though the ‘gardener’ said it would be cut on Saturday it hadn’t been cut for weeks and if we are to try and develop it as a base for these activities we need to have serious words with them or Kirklees about it.

If any club wants to do something similar the artwork can soon be tweaked for the flyers and poster and print a few copies to help them. The flag can also be made available to clubs to promote an event.

We have contact details of most of the trailists whom we could contact about doing the 3 x 1 hour paid for detailed coaching course and perhaps we ought to have certificates that they can take to their chosen clubs. We could also ask them to spread the word about our next events. Still work in progress but a promising start to attracting new bowlers to our sport.

The opportunity now exists for individual clubs to follow up with their own similar events supported by the Huddersfield Bowls Development (HBD). Alternatively another event is being considered for August Bank Holiday Monday (29 August).

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Aug 03, 2022

Some bowling clubs don’t have anything in place at all to get beginners started. No help offered, no bowls to use, no social bowling, so they come to clubs like mine who have all that in place and no problems with members. 2 ladies joined us recently having been to 2 clubs not far

away and found no help at all available. Club committees have to put something in place to make new bowlers welcome.

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