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Todmorden's new clubhouse bid

Bowling News

Bowling News

The 4-green Todmorden Academy has made tremendous strides over recent years in driving the development of crown green bowling in the area and is an excellent model for others to learn from and follow. The latest news centres around a submitted bid for a new pavilion for the bowlers and tennis players. Todmorden has been allocated £17.5million of Government funding to be used to support a range of schemes in the area.

Those schemes have now been submitted for the local Council to determine the allocation of funding to each of the submitted schemes. The Todmorden Academy is one of the bids that now awaits the decision of the Council and there is an open weekend on 5 & 6 November when all the submitted bids are to be on display, all looking to gain the support of the local community.

The drawing below outlines the project that has been submitted on behalf of the bowling and tennis clubs.

As reported on the Todmorden Academy Facebook page

Todmorden Bowls Club became part of the Town Deal bid way back by asking for a new roof and toilet back in August 2020, but didn't know what it was in for!

First - the big Town wait - would the bid be approved? Flash forward to Jan 2022 ... £17.5 million, so projects need trimming. Now to build the business case, Whitehall-style; AND

Enormous amounts of rapid planning, real and virtual meetings, emails.


We hope to have an enlarged and refurbished pavilion, shared with Todmorden Tennis Club, with better provision for sports activities, larger meeting/function rooms and enhanced kitchen and bar facilities.

All down to final UK Government approval - SOON!

Come and find out more NEXT weekend to the Town Deal Projects days, Saturday and Sunday, 10am-2pm, in Todmorden College. Find out more about ours and other plans for the North End of the Park!

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