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Story & Answers to Name the team, event, year and venue.


Recognising 12 of the 14 bowlers was as good as it got from the entries received to this latest poser and no one correctly identified the year or event.

The date was May 1993, the venue was the Waterloo club and the event was a challenge match between a Waterloo team and a Select Yorkshire team as part of the Waterloo club's centenary celebrations. The centenary milestone was of the 100 years since the Waterloo green had been built in 1893 which was a year after the club was formed in 1892.

The Peter Muff column in The Examiner added a story to the celebrations and is worth a read by itself so we have included that below as well.

Bernie Toon registered the most correct answers and to put you all out of your misery here are all the bowlers names.

Back row left to right: Tony Young, John Hirst, Bob Mudd, Phillip Sykes, Dougie Mellor, Gerry Martin, Geoff Lunn, Jim Lockwood Front row: Roy Sutton, John Lockwood, Peter Earle, Tibor Toth, John Bleazard, Ronnie Rainbird

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