Winter League
The suggestion that we should introduce a 35 metres maximum long mark rule provoked a lot of differing responses so we thought that we would try and bring some order to this by holding an anonymous poll.
As we see it there are 3 options that have been mentioned so you get to choose which of the three you prefer. There is no commitment to follow the vote but it will inform the Management Committee as to if there is sufficient interest to take a proposal to the clubs at the End of Season meeting when rule changes are debated and voted on. Only the member teams can vote for rule changes.
You can review the reasoning behind the suggestion here as posted on HuddWeb last Saturday.
You are given three options from which to select your preference to vote on, they are:
NO - this votes against any maximum mark being introduced at all, so no change to the present position.
YES - this votes to introduce a new rule across all divisions in the League
YES BUT - this is a vote for the introduction of a one-year trial in the bottom division only.
Cast your vote now.
You only get one vote so think it through carefully, the system stops repeat voting.
Once you have cast your vote you get the invitation to add any comments you care to make and these will be published later on the website.
All votes and comments are totally anonymous.
You can click the VIEW button as often as you like to see the latest votes cast for each option. Any problems with this poll please use this link to vote or to add your comments at any time or to view the latest number of votes cast for each option.
The poll closes at 5.00pm on Friday and we will report on the voting and comments received over the weekend.