Bowling News
Time to challenge your local knowledge, sharp eyes and memory as we provide a snapshot of a local bowling green and challenge you to identify it. Suffice to say that these snapshots will not be of the most prominent feature of each of these greens but having run this just-for-fun competition for several years now I know how good many of you are at this game.
The scope is widened just a little with all the greens featured are ones in the Huddersfield area. Make of that what you will, no more clues.
I will be running this competition on alternate days through December so you have 48 hours to get your best guess submitted on the form below if you want to get a gold star for achievement. I'll keep count of the best of you at this game and add them to the page on a frequent basis as I know how you all love a bit of friendly competition. Alternatively just play along for your own amusement.
So Name The Green No.1 is below. Complete the form to submit your answer.
The competition will run on alternate days through December.
The answer to No.1 and Name The Green No.2 will be online on Thursday.
