Winter League
The Winter League Management Committee met on 28 March to progress end-of-season matters and prepare for the 2024-25 season.
Among matters discussed were:
a new points system for all League matches
proposed rule change to team promotions
format of the divisions for 2024-25 season
financial report
other business
New points system A proposal was put forward that a review of the current league points system should be undertaken. The current system sees 2 points being awarded for each singles and pairs matches. In addition 2 points are awarded to the team with the better aggregate total. This means that 8 points have been awarded for each match played.
There were considered to be three alternatives to the system that has been adopted from the first day that the League was created. These being:
A system that rewards losing bowlers for the number of points they score. So alosing bowler who scored 20 points in his game would get 4 points for their team; 3 points for scoring 15-19; 2 points for 10-14 and 1 point for collecting 5-9 game points. The game winner would claim 6 points for winning that game. Slight variations to this system were also put forward.
A popular points system in some other leagues, including the Heavy Woollen leagues and the Ladies Works League, where the total points scored goes towards the team total to determine their league position.
Each game to consist of a number of fixed-ends rather than up to 21 points.
The last option was quickly discarded with no support from members. The other two options were both discussed and merits seen in them both but after a robust discussion and vote the current system was deemed to be the best fit for the League at this time and no change is proposed at all.
Rule change to team promotions This rule change would empower teams to decline any promotion won but would only be available to teams of host green clubs. We have encountered problems in the past where host green teams winning promotion has taken away bowlers who would otherwise have been available to undertake host club duties such as catering or admin roles. This in turn has created a clash where teams have considered 'throwing' matches to avoid finishing in promotion places.
The proposed rule change would allow promoted host club teams to decline promotion and remain in their current division. To counter that change it would mean that each game that this team played in the following season would see them handicapped. So in each Singles and Pairs games for the following season these teams would incur a -2 handicap. If they should then go on to finish in a promotion place the next season and again decline promotion then that handicap would be doubled to -4 per game.
Currently the Management Committee decides the format of divisions for each season. This proposal was seen as taking some of that responsibility away from the Management Committee if teams claimed the rule to avoid promotion. So the meeting voted against introducing such a change but reserved the right to introduce this system in isolated cases as part of a normal end of season reformatting of the divisions.
Format of divisions for the 2024-25 season
After the experience of a season of 6 divisions with 9 teams of each it is time to review the preferred format of divisions for the future. The 2023-24 had been very successful overall but the extended season didn't suit all the host clubs.
Six divisions of nine teams produced an 18-week season for each host green. Whilst this satisfied the demand that there was from teams to play in the winter months it put pressure on the host clubs to extend the playing season. It is clear that there is a majority preference from host club greenkeepers to have a 14-week season which is the outcome of having eight teams in a division. This enables the greenkeepers to meet the end and start of the summer season demands for repair and maintenance and keep their greens in pristine condition to meet the expectations of the summer and winter bowlers.
That being the case divisions of eight teams is the preferred model. The planning assumption at present is that the League will attract another 10 teams for the 2024-25 season, in fact six teams have already applied to join the League. Ten new teams would mean a total of 64 teams (assuming no teams withdrew) which fits neatly into a format of eight divisions of eight teams in each. At present there are two new host greens in the pipeline which would satisfy the demands of 64 teams
Discussion at the meeting focussed on what would happen in the event of more than 10 teams applying to join the League taking the total above the model of 64.. There was some support for capping the number of teams at 64 and then creating a waiting list for additional prospective members. However should a third new host green become available then that would change the situation considerably. Alternatively if a third new host green didn't materialise but one or more of the current host greens was happy to host a 9-team division then that would be considered.
One thing was agreed that whilst the discussion had been useful in teasing out the options and views nothing further can be done until the number of teams for the 2024-25 season is known. The deadline for entries is 1 July 2024. The Management Committee agreed to meet on 5 July to progress this matter once the final number of teams wanting to play is known.
Finance Report The Treasurer had circulated a Finance Report covering all activity since the 2023 AGM and a copy is here for you to download and view.
The Management Committee decided at their last meeting to raise the green fees from £2.50 per bowler to £3 per bowler for the 2024-25 season. No increases have been introduced in the previous four years of the competition and the increase will all go to the host clubs. This is to help attract and retain sufficient host greens to meet the demand. The annual team entry fee is retained at £15 per team which is due at the AGM. The League continues to operate at the cheapest possible level to encourage more teams to join the competition. This means that no honorariums are paid to any league official or prize money offered to any league or competition winners. Do you know of any other League that operates like that or that publishes its financial information or notes from Management Committee meetings or encourages open discussion on all matters relevant to the League? We like to be different.
Other business
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Management Committee has been arranged for 9.30am on Friday 5 July at Milnsbridge BC. There will be a two-item agenda to cover the format of the League for the 2024-25 season and the arrangements for the 2024 AGM. A draft format of the divisions for 2024-25 will be tabled at the meeting following the closure of team entries on 1 July.
Rule change:Â One small change to the League Rules was agreed and that is in reference to the start time of matches. Currently the start time is stated as being 11.30am. The wording is to be amended to 'no later than 11.30am' to encourage bowlers to start matches as soon as both teams are present on matchday. It seems that some teams are reluctant to start matches until the appointed time whereas others are keen to get on. A minor alteration so let's see if it makes a difference.
Committee membership: Robert Whiteley of New Mill was co-opted onto the Management Committee which means that all six Committee member posts are now filled. All League Officials and Committee member posts have to be put before the member teams annually and this happens at the AGM.
For your information: The Management Committee is comprised of three officals - Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. There are six elected Committee members (all now filled). Each host club is entitled to have one or two representatives on the Management Committee and each host club has one vote on all matters. That provides a membership of 15 members which is intended to give a good cross-section of views and opinions as well as representation from all levels in the League structure. More information about the Management Committee