Well Bowled Fantasy Winter League
We have received over 80 entries to date for the Fantasy Winter League with less than 24 hours to go before the Monday 10.00am deadline passes. With £200 in prizes to be shared out including £100 in a new 3-team competition there are even more chances to cash in with your entry. You don't have to complete a full Entry Form as we offer a Lucky Dip selection where you leave the hard work up to us and we select and submit your entry for you. One completed entry form includes you in the two competitions.
Individual Competition
The top three in the end-of-season table will all win Well Bowled sales voucher prizes this year. 1st £50 2nd £30 3rd £20
Just select a team in each of the six divisions of the Winter League.
Every point your selected 6 teams get, you get added to your Fantasy League total.
Top Team Trio (suggested and sponsored by Bob Haigh)
The top three teams in the end-of-season Top Team Trio table will receive Well Bowled sales vouchers for £50, £30 and £20 respectively.
Each team's top 3 bowlers scores go towards the team score. You can have any number of bowlers in your team but only the top 3 scores count.
Just complete the Entry Form below and you are automatically entered into both competitions.
Tomorrow we will announce the winners of the 2023 Summer Fantasy League competition.