League News

A Comment on this website to an earlier posting about the League Start Dates drew answers and a series of exchanges that are reproduced here for information of all Brighouse Veterans League teams.
This all goes to prove that communications are key in keeping everyone informed and aware of the changes being made and why they are being put in place in the first place. Communicating is our business. As of 11:00am this morning the Brighouse Veterans League has not published their fixtures on their Bowlsnet pages.
Philip of Lindley
Has anyone got any idea when, or indeed if, the Brighouse Vets are planning to start their season? Emails to the Secretary draws a blank.
Martin Holt - Copied from League email 18/04
Dear Delegates
Just an update on where we are for the coming season. Due to covid we have had several teams choose to withdraw but hopefully they will be back in 2022 and the divisions revised accordingly.
Our main goal is catering for the rest and with that in mind we have chosen to make an extra division in the Monday afternoon vets to shorten the season. This league will start on the 17 May. There are no promotions and relegations from the 2019 season this year but they will be actioned for the 2022 season. In other words this season is a one off.
No trophies will be awarded for this year but cash prizes will be given as in previous years.
If any games need to be rearranged for any reason - once a suitable date has been agreed on by both teams concerned - please advise me so the BowlsNet site can be amended. All fixtures must be completed no later than 15 October.
I have attached a generic Risk Assessment form. Could you ensure that this is completed and returned to me prior to the beginning of the season.
The fixtures will be available to view on BowlsNet as soon as possible.
Philip of Lindley
Martin, can I clarify your statement that there will be no promotions and relegation from the 2019 season this year but will be auctioned in 2022.
Does this mean that Lindley A team who were promoted in 2019 and Lindley B team who were also promoted in 2019 will have to play in the same division as they did in 2019?
If so, then we were not able to play in the higher division cos of Covid and are being prevented from playing in the higher division cos of the League ruling.
Am I misinterpreting your statement?
Martin Holt
The email is from the Brighouse league and was sent to my wife as she is a club delegate. Until the divisions are formatted & published it is possible that the 2019 league positions may have been taken into account.
Philip of Lindley
As I understand the Brighouse Vets Rules, the top two teams will be promoted at the end of each season. Why have the League not followed this rule for the coming season? As I said in my earlier posting the Lindley A and B teams, and all others, were promoted at the end of the 2019 season and are now being told they can’t take up their rightful position in the higher Divisions because the League have twiddled about with the Divisions to create another Division in a season where there is no promotion or relegation.
What’s the point of this? Where’s the fairness to the promoted teams?
What does it achieve that far outweighs teams being allowed to compete in their rightful higher Division?
In my opinion, it would have been much better to promote ( and relegate) all the teams concerned , as per the Rules, and allow them a season to compete, albeit with no promotion or relegation. This would be better than having to play again in the same Division from which they gained promotion.
I would be grateful for the League’s explanation to the above.
Fixtures now on Bowlsnet
Whilst my comments were predominantly bemoaning the non promotion of Lindley A and B teams, the injustice to Hillcrest and Elland who were champions of Divisions 4 and 5 respectively, is even greater.
Both these teams went through the whole season winning every game - and their “prize” is to be told “back you go to the Division of 2019” !!
Also, nearly forgot our D team who finished 2 nd in their Division.
So, from being a tremendous season for Lindley B.C. in 2019 with 3 out of our 4 teams all being promoted we get nothing.
It would be appreciated if an official of the Brighouse Vets League or, indeed , any Committee member took the trouble…