Bowling News
I have received copies of the formal papers for the annual meetings of the BCGBA. Once again the BCGBA is looking to introduce an annual charge per bowler to aid their dwindling nest egg which at the last count had over £200,000 in a Development Fund. This is being set at £1 per bowler per annum so hitting a bowling club's finances even further.
The papers cover the Rules Revision Meeting and the Annual General Meeting. As a League affiliated to Yorkshire CCGBA I expected to receive such notices through that governing body but as usual that has not been forthcoming and I am grateful to a Halifax source for passing on this information. However we move on.
The notice calling all organsations affiliated to the BCGBA have been served notice of the Annual General Meeting. In a typical lack of attention to BCGBA detail the wrong year has been added to the formal notice as indicated in red below.
President: Mr K Howarth (Cumbria)
1st December 2022
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am directed to inform you that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Association will be held at Winnington Park Recreation Club, Park Road, Northwich CW8 4EB on Saturday 21st January 2022 at 2pm, or within one hour after the completion of the Rules Revision Meeting.
Each County Association is entitled to send four representatives to the General Meeting in addition to its representative on the Management Committee.
Yours faithfully.
Mark Bircumshaw
Chief Executive Officer
The BCGBA will hold their annual Rules Revision meeting on the morning of the AGM and the papers for that meeting are provided at the foot of this posting but I would draw your attention to a proposal to introduce an annual charge to every bowler of £1 to go to the BCGBA with the County allowed to withhold 5p per registration for payment for collecting and forwarding these sums.
The formal proposal says:
MEMBERSHIP – Individual Membership – Rule 1a
Proposed by the Management Committee
Add a new sentence to the end of the rule ‘All players registered to one or more counties shall pay, via the county of their primary affiliation, an annual BCGBA fee of £1.00. The sum is to be paid by a date set by the Management Committee. Counties shall retain 5% of all such monies collected on behalf of BCGBA as an administration fee. Any player failing to comply by that date shall be suspended from playing any form of competitive Crown Green Bowls until
the sum due is paid. Any player in default from the previous year shall remain suspended until all past dues are paid.
There are a number of other proposed rule changes and a lot of them are to the dress code as it has been decided to merge men's and women's dress codes into one section in the rule book.
Please feel free to download and circulate these papers as you see fit.
1. Formal copy of the paperwork for the AGM Agenda (with the wrong date):
2. The full list of proposed rule changes is below: