Bowling News
This is the second part of an update on BCGBA affairs as currently released on the Bowls Observer website. This extends the thinking on how the BCGBA intends to amend the rules of our sport. The British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA) are proposing a range of rule changes listed below whenever they can safely hold a meeting this year.
If agreed the changes to the law of the game will be to clarify that:
A DEAD BOWL is a bowl that cannot be counted and, if on the green, shall be taken off the green so as not to interfere with play
Before commencing play the number of points to be scored to win the game shall be fixed.
A player must not attempt to affect the running of any bowl
In the event of a suspension under Law 9.9 or any other unforeseen circumstances, the points scored by each player shall stand and the position of the jack shall be marked. Ends should be completed, if possible, games being restarted from an agreed point as near as possible to where the jack lay at the last end played.
Ends should be completed if possible. Games shall be restarted from an agreed point as near as possible to where the jack lay at the last end played
A VOID END is an end to be replayed with the footer remaining or placed as near as possible to where it originally lay during the void end.
A MEDICAL DISPENSATION: can only be provided by the referee’s society on the evidence of a medical practitioner. The Dispensation letter should be available for the Referee if requested prior to the commencement of a game.
To clarify what is a Game and what is a Match.
The FOOTER, which shall be round, shall have a diameter of not less than 125mm and not more than 155mm.
At the commencement of a game the footer must be placed by the leader within three metres of the entrance to the green, on either the left or right side and one metre from the edge but no more than two metres from the edge
Any dead bowls are reinstated for the new end. Any forfeited bowls are not reinstated for the replayed end.
After each end is concluded, the footer shall be placed at the jack by the last player. The footer may only be repositioned by the leader of the next end and before the first attempt to set a mark, anywhere within a space of one metre from where the jack lay at the conclusion of the last end but at least one metre in from the edge of the green. The footer must not be moved after the first attempt to set a mark by either the leader or the opponent until the end is concluded.
When an end is concluded i.e. all the bowls have come to rest, a player may remove their own non-counting bowl without incurring a penalty
If either the jack or a bowl being measured is displaced by a player, that player shall lose the point in question.
Electronic devices e.g., mobile phones, pagers, smart watches etc. in active mode are not allowed on the green. Should a player fail to comply, that player shall forfeit the game. The offender(s) to receive no further score and the opponent(s) to receive the maximum score
Smoking: Smoking, vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes is not allowed whilst participating in the game of Crown Green Bowls. The offending player(s) shall receive no further score and the opponent(s) shall receive the maximum score.
Footwear: Hard block-heeled or open-toed footwear must not be worn whilst on the green in any game played under the Association’s jurisdiction. The offending player(s) shall receive no further score and the opponent(s) shall receive the maximum score.