Winter League
The new HuddWeb WhatsApp Group has been discussing the potential for a new Winter League competition to be started up.
Initially the suggestion was for just a Friday Winter League with a similar format to the present Winter League but more variations have since been mooted. I have anonymised the postings made but eight different members have contributed to the discussion so far. You can join the group and then see who is saying what and add your views as you see fit. Here is the discussion so far today [9:42 am, 17/02/2023] For the benefit of new members who will not have seen the most recent topic under discussion here is a catch up.
There is a proposal to start a new Winter League competition to be run on a Friday. This proposal has come from a number of Division 1 bowlers. It will be discussed at the Management Committee meeting next Thursday.
Earlier discussions indicated some support for a different format league. That could mean changes in the 2 x Singles, 1 x Pairs format or even an Open-Age competition. A different points system also has some supporters as does a 4 x Singles format. Add your views in advance of next Thursday's Management Committee meeting.
[9:44 am, 17/02/2023] Think it works well as it is now 2x singles 1x pairs
[9:49 am, 17/02/2023] The original thinking of 2 x Singles and 1 x Pairs was to make it more attractive to lower league bowlers with many known to be wary of showing themselves up in a singles match but more comfortable with the support of an on-green partner. I do think there is considerable merit in varying the format for a new league and an Open-Age Saturday League would be worth considering in my opinion.
[9:50 am, 17/02/2023] Yes 👍
[9:54 am, 17/02/2023] I think it should be a different format for a different league. 4 singles, and open age.
[9:55 am, 17/02/2023] I think we have to be wary of “ killing the goose that laid the golden egg”
[9:56 am, 17/02/2023] The goose would still be alive and thriving. It would be a totally new goose.
[10:02 am, 17/02/2023] My only concern is can these greens stand being used continuously summer and winter.
[10:04 am, 17/02/2023] I can envisage a common scenario because it is Winter Bowling where an either /or choice will be made to the detriment of our Winter League.
[10:05 am, 17/02/2023] +44 7933 052422: I think any new league should be different to avoid eg teams leaving the existing winter league to join a new one. It should be seen to be something different
[10:07 am, 17/02/2023] I agree that if we were looking to add another day a week to an existing green's activity then that would be unknown territory and we need to tread carefully.
There is no reason that it couldn't be a totally new green to winter bowling so having one-day a week bowling as we do now.
The experience of 3 years of winter bowling experience indicates minimal damage to greens but more wear and tear which needs addressing. The £3,000 financial gain that clubs accrue over the winter months enables them to spend more on the maintenance of their greens.
[10:14 am, 17/02/2023] The Saturday, singles and open age is exactly the same as Hove Edge have been running for years and it would be in direct competition.
[10:15 am, 17/02/2023] A Saturday open age competition would attract a different clientele. There is a growing demand for a 2nd day a week of winter bowling from Division 1 teams and possibly others as well. This would make it a league for stronger teams.
[10:15 am, 17/02/2023] Let’s not get carried away by the euphoria of success of the first two full seasons of Winter League. Let’s leave things as they are to stabilise/settle for a couple of years or so and then move on.
[10:18 am, 17/02/2023] Why does any new league have to go under the winter league banner? It's just putting more work/problems onto the management committee.
[10:21 am, 17/02/2023] Someone who bowls in the 1st division tried putting Friday bowling into place for this season so maybe let them try again .
[10:22 am, 17/02/2023] It doesn't have to go under the Winter League banner but if it was a new structure then it could be set up to compete with us. This way we have control and could ensure a model to preserve both formats of winter bowling.
[10:26 am, 17/02/2023] I have to agree with you, if these so-called stronger teams want to find another green and start a Friday league, let them get on with it.
If you have a different opinion, or one supporting a solution already mooted, then join the group and join in the discussion, it is still going on.
Regarding average winners, I don't think you should add averages of singles and pairs together, the singles bowlers have earned every point whereas the pairs player has had help with his/her partner.