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A closer look at bowler averages

Winter League

If you take a look at the Bowler Averages on Bowlsnet for our League then you will find that things are changing. The running order for individuals isn't based on Averages at all now. Some changes by the developer has altered the way that individual records can be calculated.

So the system is now set up in the order that individual records are now sorted and presented as follows:

  1. Games Won When they are level the order is then sorted by

  2. Aggregate For When they are still level the order is then sorted by

  3. Aggregate Difference

At present only bowlers who have played in a minimum of 3 games are included in the averages at all. That minimum number will gradually increase to a minimum of 6 when the season ends. Remember we have a trophy lined up for the Top Bowler for the end of season leader in our Averages table. That will be based on the 12 League games only and will not include the two planned Play-Off matches (more about them later).

Even after all that you look at the Winter League Averages you will note that they are split by Divisions. To work out the destination of the new Top Bowler trophy then we need to merge these two sets of tables. I've done that and they are produced below as at this morning prior to the matches being played later today. I'll keep producing merged tables at varying times for the rest of the season.

Click on table to enlarge

Position sorted by 'Games Won' then by 'Aggregate For' and finally by 'Aggregate Difference'

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