Well Bowled Fantasy League

We have received 28 entries so far for the 2023 Fantasy League competition with less than 3 weeks to go before the season starts and then it is too late to submit an entry. Do it now, it is so simple.
The easiest quickest way to enter is by using the Lucky Dip entry where we complete your entry for you. Just put your name, bowling club and email address to the form below - that's all there is to it.
The 28 entries received so far are all listed alongside.
Using the Lucky Dip system means that within 24 hours we will forward your completed entry and you are on your way to a share of the £220 Prize Fund with draws every month through the season.
All we ask is for your name, bowling club and email address to forward your Lucky Dip selections to you. That is all there is to it. Do it now. The form is just below.
If you prefer to complete the entry yourself by making all 8 team selections then that is fine, just follow this link to the full Entry Form. Scroll down to the 2022 final league tables to help you with your selections.
Our very popular and unique Fantasy League competition is now open for free entry to all bowlers in Huddersfield. I am once again very grateful to Well Bowled of Luddendenfoot for their continuing support of this unique competition. There is a Prize Fund of £220 and this comprises of the following:
£60 in Well Bowled Sales Vouchers for the overall end of season winner
£25 in Well Bowled Sales Vouchers for the runner-up
£15 in Well Bowled Sales Vouchers for 3rd place
£10 cash for the Manager of the Month every month
£10 cash for the All-Entrants Draw every month
This is how the 2023 Fantasy League is going to work:
Entrants select one team from each of the 8 divisions in the Veterans League. That's 5 from the 10-Man League and 3 from the 6-Man League. Alternatively, opt for a Lucky Dip entry and leave all the work to us.
Every point your 8 selections win over the season goes towards your Fantasy League total.
There will be prizes for the top three finishers as well as two monthly prizes of £10 in each calendar month. One of those going to the Manager of the Month and this is the individual who scores the most points during each calendar month.
The Tie-Breaker is your best guess at how many points the end-of-season Division 1 Champion will have accumulated and this will be only used in the event of a tie for the end-of-season prizes (as happened last season).
Every bowler (male or female) or ex-bowler in Huddersfield is entitled to one free entry to the competition. You don't have to bowl in any particular League but you will have to name the club you bowl for to qualify for a free entry. One entry per bowler.
The Transfer Market will also be back in operation again this year where at the end of every month you will be able to substitute one of your underperforming team selections and replace them with another team from the same division.
The closing date for entries is Monday 3 April 2023 by 12noon.
New this year is a monthly draw with all the entrant's names, except that month's league leader, going into the hat and the one name drawn out will win a £10 cash prize. You can only win one monthly tenner draw. Good Luck.
Scroll down below the Entry Form to see the 2022 Final League Tables
which may help you in the selection of your eight teams
Any problems submitting the Lucky Dip Entry Forn then try this alternative access to the same entry form.
