Well Bowled Fantasy League
We have a winner! John Allen of Lindley BC is the 2022 Fantasy League Champion and collects our £100 end-of-season prize. That is made up of a £50 Sales Voucher from our competition sponsor, Well Bowled of Luddendenfoot, and a further £50 cash prize. Congratulations to John and to our other two season-long prize winners.
Jeff Smith's tactic of using his transfers to select teams that had played less matches than those they were replacing almost paid off as he is selections ended up playing 2 more matches than most of the other entrants as he claimed second place and a £20 Well Bowled Sales Voucher. Long-time leader, Mike Thornton faltered in the last month and dropped to 3rd place for which he receives a £10 Well Bowled Sales Voucher.
The final table is below and the differences in the number of matches played by some entrants are solely down to the transfer market decisions. Replacing a selection with another team that had played more or less matches at that time would result in such a difference.
Season-long Competition
Winner - £50 cash + £50 Well Bowled voucher
Runner-up - £20 Well Bowled voucher
3rd Place - £10 Well Bowled voucher
Monthly Top Scorer One winner every month collects a £20 Well Bowled voucher Monthly Tie-Breaker Tenner One £10 cash prize every month for the nearest tie-breaker selection to the top team scorer of a selected division.
I hope that you have enjoyed the full season and we will be announcing the final two monthly prize winners online shortly. Meanwhile, why not enter the Winter League's own Fantasy League competition? Once again it is free to enter with £70 in the Prize Fund plus a £5 Well Bowled Sales Voucher for every entrant to be used whenever spending £30 in-store.
LD = Lucky Dip Entry
Well done John Allen lindley bc