Winter League
The survey on your views and experience of bowling in the Winter League are still invited. A number of you have already taken the time to submit your responses - thank you - but we still know that there are a number of others out there who could make the survey so much more complete and therefore more valuable.
The answers will influence the way that the League runs and operates next year so please think about taking 10 minutes to complete our 14 question survey. The survey is open to those that have bowled this season in the new League and also those who are thinking about joining us next year.
As the season progresses and thoughts turn to life after the Winter League completes its first-ever season we look ahead to what life in the Winter League could be like next time around.
If you have any positive messages from your experiences of bowling in the League this year then how about sharing them with us and we can use them to promote our League to potential new teams and bowlers. There is nothing like an endorsement from a current bowler to sway someone in their thinking.
One of the changes we are considering for the 2021-22 season is the day of the week that we bowl matches. Currently our weekly bowling day is Tuesday but we are now aware that this clashes with the Hove Edge Winter League which may stop some clubs entering teams into our League. Similarly there is a Winter League at Thrum Hall which plays on a Thursday which became our standby day for playing fixtures. So one of the questions we are asking is your preferred bowling date and we also ask that you identify all the days of the week when you could bowl if matches were played then. This question applies as much to bowlers considering joining the League as it does current bowlers.
So tell us what you have found to be the most enjoyable part of bowling in the League. Share those thoughts with us so that we can use them to promote our League to the wider audience. Just add your views to the form below. You can do that anonymously if you wish but there is more chance of that thought being used in this promotion if it carries your name and club. Thanks for your help.
If you have any problems accessing this form then please use this alternative online form.