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Winter League bowling price increase

Winter League

The Winter League Management Committee has decided to introduce an increase in the cost of bowling to bowlers. From the 2024-25 season the cost of bowling per match will increase from £2.50 per bowler to £3.00. All the additional funds raised will go directly to the host clubs. At the same time the Management Committee decided that the annual charge per team will remain at £15 to cover all other costs.

There is one major reason for this first-ever increase in charges as the League starts its 5th year in existence. It is to help attract new host clubs to provide the greens that the League continues to need as the demand shows no sign of abating. In the same vein, it is to ensure that our current host clubs are properly rewarded for all their efforts and that they feel valued and properly reimbursed for the use of their facilities.

We have been very fortunate in the host clubs that have come forward over the past 5 years to ensure that the League can cope with the full demand. The greens have been excellent all season and the hospitality gets better all the time. It is a real privilege to be part of the community spirit and friendly competition that abounds on matchdays.

The additional funding will help us to attract more host clubs to ensure that we can continue to meet the demand in the immediate future. We already have three more teams put forward for membership of the League for next season and we are talking to three new potential host clubs ready for the 2024-25 season.

Without host clubs we don't have a League at all so it is important that we pre-empt any reduction in clubs coming forward. I should stress that the current host clubs have not asked for an increase but the League recognises the value of having such great facilities and warm welcomes to make our League the success that it is today. For that reason the Management Committee has decided to introduce this first-ever, but modest increase in pricing for next season.

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