Winter League
The cold snap saw the Thursday fixture programme decimated with the Divisions 5 and 6 matches all postponed. The Division 6 fixtures at Huddersfield RUFC have all been rearranged for Tuesday 12 December at the usual start time of 11.30am. Bowlsnet has been updated to reflect this change. A decision on a new date for the affected Division 5 matches at Netherton Con is expected soon.
Huddersfield RUFC and Netherton Con are both hosting Pie 'n' Peas Christmas lunches for League bowlers and friends. Netherton Con did the same last year and once again it is free pie 'n' peas for all bowlers with a £2.50 charge for non-bowlers and spectators. There will be a raffle and the bar will be open and hopefully diners will support both to help offset the cost of the pie 'n' peas. Tickets will be available on matchdays on the 7th and 14th of December
Huddersfield RUFC is hosting a Christmas lunch for Division 6 bowlers, families, supporters and spectators after the bowling matches on Thursday 21 December. The match start time on this date has been brought forward to 11.00am with the aim of the lunch starting around 2.00pm. The celebration will be held in the Waterloo Suite at the Rugby Club and tickets will be made available soon on match days at Lockwood Park.
Thank you to Geoff Dyson, the Netherton Con greenkeeper, for some photos of the green last Thursday morning which he described as frozen hard, very slippery and covered in snow. Clearly a real threat to player safety and an easy decision to call the matches off. Confirmation of the new date for the Division 5 programme is expected soon.
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I like the Rugby Clubs use of the Tuesday, it us always a free day in our winter league and saves extending the season.