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Six new teams in Division 6 opening day

Winter League

A new host green welcomes 8 teams to the opening day of the Division 6 fixture programme and 6 of those 8 are playing their first-ever Winter League matches. Huddersfield RUFC are hosting the Division 6 matches this season every Thursday at their Lockwood Park green.

The opening day of the Division 6 season sees a new host green in operation as Huddersfield Rugby Union Football Club opens it doors and welcomes 32 bowlers to play every Thursday until February. The green looks good, there is plenty of shelter for bowlers and spectators which will be required some Thursdays I am sure and the catering team are geared up to impress.

The host club will also be represented on the green as their team was relegated last year from Division 5 along with Golcar C&BC and both teams line-up against new teams in the League this Thursday. A 7th new team, Broad Oak, have to sit the opening day out and can watch the action on the green as we start 18 Thursdays of Winter League bowling. Reports every week on HuddWeb with all the results, tables and player averages on Bowlsnet.

Just a reminder to the new (and old) teams in the League about three things:

  1. The 'home' team has the jack in all three games

  2. The 'home' team decides the running order of singles and pairs games.

  3. The 'home' team are responsible for adding the result on to Bowlsnet and the 'away' team have to verify the result. That responsibility can be reversed at any time by any team.

  4. Enjoy your winter bowling and play it in the right spirit.

  5. Remember this is a first for the host green team as well.

As League Secretary I try and get to most greens every week and two in a day is the normal, so if you are new to the League search me out and say hello, I will be pleased to meet you. My fellow officials, Mike Ralph (Chair) and Bob Haigh (Treasurer), will also be around the green and on hand to enjoy the atmosphere and shake a few hands. Welcome to Winter League bowling, we hope you enjoy the experience and don't get too wet too often.

Print off your own copy of the Division 6 Fixture Programme for 2023

WinterLeague2023 Division6 Fixtures
Download PDF • 80KB

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