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Primrose Hill Liberal BC up for sale

Club News

In its ongoing efforts to address a £47m deficit, cash-strapped Kirklees Council is looking to dispose of more than 50 assets including Primrose Hill Liberal Bowling Club.

The club is on the list of 59 land sites and properties that Kirklees Council are looking to dispose of to raise £4million to help fill a gap in their finances in this financial year.

Despite what the listing states the only part that Kirklees Council own is the bowling green and this is currently leased to the club. The clubhouse is already owned by the club.

I understand that Primrose Hill Club are in discussions with Kirklees Council about purchasing the green and have been trying to progress a sales agreement with them since October 2022. There now appears to more urgency on Kirklees Council's part in progressing this matter. Apart from the park greens I didn't know that Kirklees owned any local bowling club facilities and/or greens.

How many more bowling clubs are owned by Kirklees Council? How many clubs' futures are uncertain because of Kirklees Council's financial plight?

Also on that list of 59 sites for disposal are Scholes Cricket Club, Netherton Village Hall, the former Almondbury Library and Fartown Village Hall. Full list

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