Veterans League
After 4 days and 68 votes have been recorded a massive 93% have voted against any change in team numbers for the 2022 season. This proposed rule change has to receive 67% support at the Half-Year Meeting next month to be introduced and if the poll is any guide then it is light years away from being successful.
This is a proposed change to the Veterans League Rules that will be voted on at the Half-Year Meeting on 12 October. This proposal is to reduce the number of bowlers in all the 10-man teams to 8 for the start of the 2022 season.
Knowing that not all club representatives will consult with their members before voting at the meeting we thought it would be of interest to learn what you bowlers think of that proposed change. Do you think it is inevitable, unnecessary or premature? This quick poll is to capture bowler's thinking at present. All votes are completely anonymous and we are keeping it simple with YES or NO or UNDECIDED as the only 3 answers. The voting form is on the homepage
Cast your vote on the homepage and then use the form below to add any comments on the proposal. A selection of the comments received to date is below and we will be providing more content over the next 5 days before we close the poll at 5pm on Friday. The poll will only allow you to vote once.
There are several references among the Comments received to the Half-Year Meeting being on 10 October. This is incorrect, the meeting is on Tuesday 12 October.
The form at the foot of this posting allows you to add a comment on the proposal if you wish and here are some of the submitted early responses. Add yours using the form below. All submitted responses will be published after the poll closes at 5pm on Friday.
The poll on the home page does not allow comments but any views you wish to share with other bowlers can be entered on the form below. Any problems with that please use the contact form here.