Bowling News
Time for another reader's poll - this is about your impressions on the work that the Yorkshire CCGBA does on your behalf. Cast your vote below but first, read this.
Reading through the minutes of the March meeting of the Yorkshire CCGBA I was struck by the recurring negative reporting of its activities. It was more about what they hadn't done or were not going to do than what they had done and were going to do.
For example, almost every minute of their latest meeting is negative. These are extracts from the minutes of that meeting:
Minute 2 - they failed to distribute all memos and communications to all clubs, leagues and associations in 2020;
Minute 4 - no guidance available to support the return to bowling;
Minute 5 - they had not produced the annual accounts as required by their rules for presentation to the AGM in February each year
Minute 6 - Yorkshire is the only County not to have a development officer;
Minute 6 - a proposal that a team be set up to help clubs bid for grants for funding in support of club developments did not receive support;
Minute 7 - re fixtures nothing happened last year and nothing to report this year;
Minute 8 - it was reported that there was no appetite from the ladies to play in the County Championship;
Minute 8 - it was reported that there was no point in organising County individual events in 2021;
Minute 9 - no progress made in the re-registering of DBS checks (whatever they are) for 2021;
Minute 10 - some opposition to the Veterans holding an Inter-District competition in 2021 and this competition has been put on hold.
Obviously some of these things are unavoidable due to the pandemic but sometimes I get the feel that that is being used as an excuse for not doing things. Is that fair? I struggle to find any words in the minutes that offer a positive slant on where we are and what needs doing to make it better. This negativity seems embedded in their approach to most things. More negatives than a Boots photoshop.
I counted 21 recorded attendees at this Council meeting. I am sure that some of that 21 have done good and long service for the County but I would ask them to ask themselves when was the last time they took a new proposal forward to the Council and did they deliver on that proposal? I don't think that I will be too far off the mark by suggesting that many of these 21 don't regard the County as something that they spend a lot of time thinking about between meetings. Even less time doing anything to support its objectives between meetings.
Talking of objectives I took a look at the Yorkshire CCGBA Bye-Laws for inspiration and noted that Rule 2 lists the AIMS of the YCCGBA and I quote the first sentence of Rule 2:
'The objectives of the Association shall be to organise and encourage competition bowling on any day of the year.'
That's it. The rest of Rule 2 is all about what clubs and leagues cannot do on days when County competitions are being held. A fine objective indeed when a documented prime AIM is all about stopping bowlers bowling.
So in that AIM there is nothing about developing the sport, helping clubs to prosper, encouraging club membership; funding of bowling in any form. It is just about running County teams and County competitions. Nothing wrong in that with a rich history that deserves to be promoted and supported but surely the responsibility of a County organisation should go beyond that of fulfilling a fixture secretary role.
Nowhere in the latest set of minutes is there a sense of things happening, of things being organised to help our sport recover from the biggest setback it is ever likely to receive - a full year of no bowling at all. Maybe the YCCGBA doesn't believe it is their role to do anything about this impending sporting Doomsday catastrophe (the 'not-my-counter' syndrome). If that is the case then stand aside or pass that role on to someone who does care.
Where is the drive, ideas, leadership, enthusiasm for our sport? Is the future of bowling in Yorkshire in safe hands?
Don't get me on to the subject of the YCCGBA website which didn't even rate a mention in the last Council meeting minutes. The current site has been abandoned and provides no relevant or even accurate information about the present officers, situation or records. Communications from our governing bodies are at an all-time low at a time of unprecedented upheaval and uncertainty, this gap just makes that worse. Allegedly a new website has been under development for about 9 months now with no mention of progress or delivery. Typical of the inertia within this organisation.
The last time I wrote anything the least disparaging on this website about the YCCGBA I received an immediate telephone call from the CEO asking if I had a solicitor. I have never been impressed by threats or bullying so here I am again asking a straightforward question - in your opinion is the Yorkshire CCGBA fit for purpose? I have some sympathy with the CEO in his task by taking on a role that stood vacant for a year because no-one else wanted it and the inertia that he has inherited is evident to all. I do believe that he wants to change things for the better but I don't believe that his vision is shared or supported by the Executives or Council and therefore will never be delivered. Tell me if I am wrong. But first, someone tell me what is that vision.
The poll is below and I have added a supplementary question for clubs. The YCCGBA turned down a proposal to form a team to seek grants on behalf of clubs saying that clubs don't need any help. I find that difficult to believe and have to challenge that so I've added the question 'Would your club benefit from receiving some free help in bidding for grants?' Maybe you have a view on all this? Here is a quick and totally anonymous poll asking you that same question. Do you think that the Yorkshire CCGBA is fit for purpose? Yes or No? Add something to support that view if you wish.
Trying to look on the positive side as well with a final question which seeks your views on what you would like the YCCGBA to do for bowling. Maybe you have a view on all this? Here is a quick and totally anonymous poll asking you for your opinion so 'Do you think that the Yorkshire CCGBA is fit for purpose?' Yes or No? Add something to support that view if you wish.
The above post makes a very strong and well argued critique of the YCCGBA but before casting my vote in a poll I would like a chance to hear the other side of the argument. Has the YCCGBA been given an opportunity to reply to the points made above? Assuming that they have been given an opportunity and they choose not to reply then I would suggest that a poll is not required to judge whether they are fit for purpose. I feel sure that the site will be very willing to publish any reply that they might choose to make.