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New spectator aids at Lindley & Netherton

Winter League

We have previously highlighted the problem the casual spectator has in identifying who is who on the bowling green and the arrogant disregard many competitions have for not informing their audiences with more information about what is happening. In the Winter League Cup competition last season we introduced coloured armbands and match programmes to help spectators identify the bowlers on the green at any one time. Three Winter League hosts have made an effort to address that issue which will be a weekly aid for those around the green on matchdays over the next three months.

A new scoreboard has been introduced at Lindley Lib which lists all the game results as they are completed. This is very similar to the scoreboard used at Springwood every week to provide similar updates (see at foot of this posting). But the Lindley Lib model goes a step further.

The simple addition of a different coloured mat for each of the four matches on the green at any one time enables the identification process to be taken one step further. So each match has its own mat to use regardless of which single or pairs players are on the green. A simple addition which has already proven its worth on the opening day of the season. The scoreboard identifies which coloured mat applies to which match and as a game is completed the mat is handed on to the next game in that match to go on to the green.

Then yesterday on the first day of the Division 5 fixture programme being played at Netherton Con I noticed that they have something similar on the coloured mat front. Again it is a different colour to identify which match is in progress. Such a simple step to inform people around the green which match they are watching as there are always four jacks and four matches on the green at any one time.

Winter League regulars may recall the pink mat we introduced last season to help identify the extra game on the green. Thankfully that has been overtaken by the even number of games on the green each matchday but Lindley Lib and Netherton Con have picked up on that initiative to adapt it to suit the everyday needs of our competition for 2022-23.

Well done to both clubs for taking the problem one step further to a resolution and many of the top competitions, including BCGBA finals, could learn from some steps local leagues are taking to improve the information given to spectators and also other bowlers involved on those match days.

The Springwood match day scoreboard

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