Bowling News
A brand new site has been formed with the specific aim of helping greenkeepers to share advice and experiences in improving the condition of bowling greens. It has been formed by a greenkeeper which is different from similar sites where there is a commercial interest in the advice provided.
It is a private Facebook site where you have to join to get access but that is just a formality. If you are a greenkeeper, club official or have an interest in improving the condition of your club green then this may be of benefit to you. You may have a particular problem that site members may have previously had and you can benefit from their experience. Maybe you are looking to install a watering system and again you could ask what experiences other greenkeepers have had. Listen and learn.
The introduction to the site says....
This page has been set up to allow greenkeepers of bowling greens across the UK to;
Share knowledge
Ask opinions
Share ideas
Discuss machinary or turf care products
Advertise used equipment for sale (although sale will be between seller and purchaser)
All that we ask is that all members be supportive and constructive in comments or passing on opinions and appreciate that there will be a vast difference in experience across group membership
Further information and how to join the group is available here Bowling Greenkeeping UK
Good idea to have this source of information in maintaining our biggest asset.
I’ve always found it interesting that whilst the work under by different greenkeepers is very similar there are differences in some of the work. Eg some like to undertake slitting of the green to improve eg drainage, some favour vertidraining as part of the year end work etc.
I suppose there is no common list of work needed as greens vary in their condition and their requirements but nevertheless this site should be of interest to greenkeepers to share advice and experiences.
Philip of Lindley