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Milnsbridge BC Veterans

Club News: Milnsbridge BC Veterans Meeting It is that time of year when clubs get together to get themselves organised ready for the Summer bowling season. We are always delighted to include notification and outcomes from club meetings on this website. This one is just for the Veterans League bowlers at Milnsbridge.

The purpose of the meeting is:

  • to appoint team captains

  • decide on the number of ten and six man team entries to the Huddersfield Veterans League

  • recruit volunteers to work on and around the green to prepare for next season

  • welcome any new bowlers and those transferring to Milnsbridge from other clubs

  • Validate transfers away from the club and players who will not be bowling for Milnsbridge in 2023

  • Any other bowling related business

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 10th of January at 1-30 pm The bar will be open and refreshments available.

Regards Jim Baxter Milnsbridge BC

The Veterans League have asked that all new team applications are submitted by 9 January along with notice of any team withdrawals from the League. The Veterans League Management Committee are then scheduled to meet on 16 January to finalise the formations of the divisions for the 2023 season.

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