Winter League

Just 7 days remain before we hit the deadline for new teams to join the Winter League for the 2023-24 season. We have already received applications from 8 new teams to take the total up to 48 for the coming season but we have room for more.
The closing date for new team applications for the new season is Monday 3 July 2023. You can learn more about what winter bowling is all about by reading our Ultimate Guide to Winter Bowling. In brief:
teams are made up of 4 bowlers who can be of any gender
matches are played of 2 Singles and 1 Pairs games
bowlers must have passed their 60th birthday to qualify to bowl
you don't use your own green in the League as each division is allocated a host green that they play on all season
teams play on the same day of the week throughout the season
all matches have an 11.30am start time
matches are played from October to mid-February
there is a two-week break over the Christmas period
League fees are £15 per team per season
weekly match fees are £10 a team (£2.50 per bowler) which all goes to the host green which covers green fees, raffle tickets, hot drinks and biscuits.
additional hot drinks, hot and cold food are always available for bowlers and spectators at a modest charge.
Closing date is Monday 3 July 2023.
Get your entry in now. Or phone the League Secretary, Jeff Jacklin, on 07968 171 197 for more details Or email him on