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Is the future of The Dome in danger?

Bowling News

I got this message from Jim Baxter which I think may be of interest to local bowlers.

I think I have mentioned before that a group of eight of us bowl at the dome each Friday afternoon in winter.

We have noticed that in the last few months, less and less people are using the facility.

Last Friday there were only four other people having a one-hour game and after our two-hour session no other bowlers were on the green.

I was again at the Leeds Road complex on Saturday morning to see my grandson playing football so out of interest I had a look into the Dome to see how many people were bowling.

It was empty, not one person bowling.

We all know that local authorities are short of cash and will not hesitate to close facilities that are not being used or are losing money.

The problems with the heating are now resolved and the area is pleasantly warm.

I would like to appeal to all local crown green bowlers to think about using the Dome particularly in the winter months.

If not it’s a strong possibility we will all lose the chance to bowl indoors and the Dome will close for good.

Jim Baxter

Three years ago when looking to set up the Winter League I tried to block book half days during the winter months to start the League up. They couldn't fit me in on any day of the week. How things change but it would be a real shame if the town lost another bowling facility.

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