League News
The new Friday League at Milnsbridge is well into the second half of its inaugural season and co-founder Ian Briggs provides an update prior to this week's fixture programme.
We are now well into the second half of the competition which has switched to the two pairs format. This has proven to be really interesting, because halfway through when it was four singles, Elland WMC we’re running away with it, not anymore though.
Now it continues to be very exciting due to the scoring system being four points for a win and two points for the aggregate. This means it’s all to play for leading into the last three matches.
Looking at the bigger picture,and with reference to your article on the future of bowling in Huddersfield, I see Milnsbridge BC as a shining example of how to run a bowling club successfully. Going by the amount of bowlers and spectators I see at Milnsbridge on a Wednesday and Friday in the Winter Leagues enjoying themselves on the green and in the bar after the game. In my opinion the future is bright.